Christian Singer, Songwriter, & Guitarist
Past Shows
Most Sunday mornings Rufus shares music and teaches @ 10:30 am @ the Bridge Church -
A Modern 1st Century Church Pontiac MI and you can see him perform on the 4th Friday of the month at 4thFridays
January 12th, About Face Course Correction - Dearborn, MI (Not Open to the Public) Cancelled
January 26th, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI (Website: 4thFridays)
February 23rd, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI (Website: 4thFridays)
February 25th, 6 pm Milan Federal Prison Facility - Milan MI
March 23rd, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI (Website: 4thFridays)
April 22nd, 6 pm Milan Federal Prison Facility - Milan MI
April 28th, 7pm The Mission Coffeehouse - Lincoln Pk. MI
May 2nd, 1:30 pm Huron Valley Correctional Facility Prison
Fellowship Academy Graduation - Ypsilanti, MI
May 25th, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI (Website: 4thFridays)
June 24th, 6 pm Milan Federal Prison Facility - Milan MI
July 22nd, 3:30pm New Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church - Detroit, MI
July 27th, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI (Website: 4thFridays)
August 18th, 1:30 & 6:30pm Muskegon Correctional - Muskegon, MI
August 24th, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI (Website: 4thFridays)
August 26th, 6 pm Milan Federal Prison Facility - Milan MI
September 28th, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI (Website: 4thFridays)
October 26th, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI (Website: 4thFridays)
October 28th, 6 pm Milan Federal Prison Facility - Milan MI (Special guest - Jean Watson)
December 8th, 12:05 & 1:30pm - Christmas with Rufus - Macomb Correctional Facility
New Haven, MI
December 15th 1:30 & 6:30 pm - Christmas and Mime Concerts -
Womens Huron Valley Correctional - Ypsilanti, MI
December 16th, 6 pm - Christmas Concert with Rufus - Milan Federal Prison Facility - Milan MI
December 23rd 10:30 - Christmas by Candlelight - The Bridge Church - The Lafayette Grande -
One Lafayette St. - Pontiac, MI
Most Sunday mornings Rufus shares music and teaches @ 10:30 am @ the Bridge Church -
A Modern 1st Century Church Pontiac MI
January 27th, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI
January 28th, 7 pm The Mission Coffee House - Lincoln Park MI
February 5th, 6 pm Milan Federal Prison Facility - Milan MI
February 24th, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI
February 26th, 6 pm Milan Federal Prison Facility - Milan MI
March 24th, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI
April 23rd, 6 pm Milan Federal Prison Facility - Milan MI
April 28nd, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI
May 3rd, 1:30 pm Huron Valley Correctional Facility Prison
Fellowship Academy Graduation - Ypsilanti, MI
May 5th - 6th CMCA Conference @ the Marriott Hotel International
Airport - Philadelphia PA
May 20th, 1:30 pm and 6:30 pm Huron Valley Correctional Facility
Prison Music and Mime Event - Ypsilanti, MI
May 26nd, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI
June 2nd and 3rd, Hope Events in West Michigan State Correctional Facilities: West Shoreline,
EC Brooks and Muskegon Correctional
June 11th, Drive-In Church - 6:00 pm Drive-In Church (Newburgh Norton Bible Church) -
Marcellus MI
June 16th, SOS Concert for the Homeless Orchard Lake Community Church - 6:00-9:00 pm -
Orchard Lake MI
June 23th, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI
June 25th, 6 pm Milan Federal Prison Facility - Milan MI
July 28th, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI
August 20th, 6 pm Milan Federal Prison Facility - Milan MI
August 23rd, 8:30 pm Michigan Department of Corrections 2017 Chaplains - "In Service Event",
(private event) Ralph A. MacMullen Conference Center, 124 Conservation Road Roscommon, MI
August 25th, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI
August 26th, 3pm-4pm - Life Challenge Together 4 Good Rally-Walk
September 22nd, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI
September 30th, 7 pm Orchard Lake Community Church Coffeehouse - Orchard Lake MI
October 22nd, 6 pm Milan Federal Prison Facility - Milan MI
October 27th, 8 pm 4thFridays - Dearborn MI
December 2nd, 1:30 & 6:30 pm - Christmas Concerts - Womens Huron Valley Correctional - Ypsilanti, MI
December 9th, 5pm - About Face Christmas Concert and Fundraiser - The Lafayette Grande - One Lafayette St. - Pontiac, MI
December 17th, 10:30 - Christmas by Candlelight - The Bridge Church - The Lafayette Grande - One Lafayette St. - Pontiac, MI
December 17th, 6 pm - Christmas Concert - Milan Federal Prison Facility - Milan MI